Monday, April 19, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog; that is the question.

Having a blog is kinda an intimidating thing. I feel like I have to say profound things that are worth reading. But I think this blog is for the writer. Almost like a public journal. If you're here to find entertainment, then go elsewhere, this blog is about and for me. Bye bye!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, but didn't for the reason of not having anything important to say. Not enough happening in my life worth sharing. But now, I think blogging can be therapeutic, like some people draw, sing, run, dance, etc. to get their feelings out. Blogging can do that. Some people write to do that, blogging is another form of writing, right? Right.

Having a blog means you can say what you want and not worry about what another person is thinking. It's like sending your ideas into the universe that doesn't have a mouth, as long as you delete the comment option. But sometimes, having someone with two ears and a mouth is a good thing, because then you get feedback and other ideas back. Those ideas go into your two ears (or eyes if they're on a blog) and your new ideas come out of your mouth and into their two ears. Very nice.

However, I ask that you listen to my point of view before you open your mouth. We are given two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should listen twice as much as we speak. That's all I ask. Feel free to comment, but be kind and patient. That's something I don't like about mouths, they can hurt people. They have teeth and sometimes a whip of a tongue. Don't just see something that you don't like and begin whining and saying that I'm wrong. Feel free to say that you disagree and say why. Otherwise I just hear that I'm wrong and then my ears close and my mouth opens, just like yours did. Neither of us will learn anything or see things a different way, or even understand each other that way. Whoever has ears let them hear.

Also, another main reason I started a blog was I needed another place besides facebook to say what I felt. My facebook has been taken over by students and former students and I have been taught to protect myself. So I act professional on my facebook and don't post exactly how I feel. It's not like I have pictures of me at drunken parties, as I don't drink or go to drunken parties. But I don't like posting anything about my religion or beliefs for my students. That's the big thing. That is a huge part of me, and I need to have a place where I can just write about my feelings, worries, fears, etc. combined with my beliefs. I need to be able to quote General Authorities and scriptures and not worry about offending or influencing a student and having a parent get mad at me. So, no students allowed! If you're a student of mine, go away! How did you find me here, anyway?

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